
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Stolen Bike: Found, Lost, and Found . . . but still Lost.

You might have noticed that I removed a previous post on how my stolen bike was found at a pawn shop, but sold before I could get there. I removed it because of pending legal action. Someone saw that post, however, and figured out who purchased my bike fromt he pawn shop. The purchaser called me yesterday and offered to return the bike. The problem is that the pawn shop won't return his money. So, the bike is still lost. KSL did a story on this:

Video Courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. At least you gave Biker's Edge some good exposure wearing team kit on TV. So budget cuts are the new scapegoat for the police department? Hmmm. Sounds like the budget cuts weren't an issue, since SLC police alerted them of the problem and they just dropped the ball.
