
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wasatch Powderkeg -- DO IT!!!!

The Wasatch Powderkeg is coming up. And I'm calling you out. All of you! Bart, Alex, Rich, Tim, Sam, Dug, SBJ, Sunderlages -- any and all of you biker/skier guys. Whether you have big skis, small skis, skinny skis, fat skis, whether you are big, fat, skinny, small, if you do it, I give you my personal guarantee that you will like it. You may not like it so much when you are frothing at the mouth, suffocating at 10k, your skins aren't sticking, or you stack it up in the breakable crust, BUT at some point in your life, you will like it and want more. When else do you have the opportunity to bang out 5k up and down in ~2 hrs.

PS I'm not going to be there, but I will be suffering just like you. (I'll be in France at the Pierra Menta.)


  1. Thanks for the call out Jared, I was hoping to run into you down at the Keg but best of luck at the menta!
    Luke Nelson

  2. you know, i did the keg a couple times, back when it went from alta to brighton, with a side trip into honeycomb, and all that.

    i'm very glad i did. but i decided after that, that if i had 4 hours (2 my ass) to spend in the backcountry, i wasn't going to spend them with my ears bleeding in last place down a frozen gunsight pass.

    good luck over there. give em hell.

  3. So, you and Bart climbed and skied Box Elder, Pfeiff, and Superior in the time it took us to climb and ski Box Elder. 'Nuff said.

    I'll happily volunteer to help at packet pickup Friday night, though. That way I can say I at least contributed something.

    We'll be cheering for you from across the pond. Kick some Euro-trash and avoid blisters.

  4. Dug,

    Weird question, but do I owe you $5? At the very first PKeg I ended up at Brighton. I was going to take the bus down, but my wallet was at Alta. Some nice guy gave me $5 for the bus fare. He looked like you.

  5. I've done it a couple of times and hurts. It hurts bad.

    I'll be out of town (riding my bike in warmer temps).

    But thanks for thinking of me.
