
Saturday, August 4, 2012

But I've Never Been to Disneyland . . .

Dad, everyone in my class has been to Disneyland, except me.

Well . . . I'll bet not many in your class gets to hike-a-bike up Puke Hill.

Are we ever going to Disneyland?

Trust me, this is better . . . 

Ethan, 10 years old.


  1. Ha, this is hilarious! Ethan is thinking to himself, "someday my dad will pay for this.... grrr"

  2. Thanks for the heads up. My kid is one year old, and I'm sure one day he will ask the same. I'll take him on a hut trip to Fairy Meadows instead.

  3. A day in the Wasatch is Disneyland, except better on every level. You have my vote for parent of the year.

  4. I'm calling child welfare services! Child abuse ;) Great to run with ya the other day...way to get the "team" together!

  5. Tell him my 11 year old son hasn't been to Disneyland either. I hear the same things though. Hold steady!

  6. I had almost the exact conversation in that exact spot a year or two ago. It only took some convincing that it was good Jedi training to have them srpinting to the top.....

  7. You should go to Disneyland. Then you could try and summit the Matterhorn. That would be a killer post.

  8. We took the kids to disneyland, and then my daughter said it was not as fun as seeing the whales and camping on the beach in baja. So if you decide to take them, they will probably leave the amusement park wondering what all the hubub was about.
