
Saturday, November 14, 2009


Ski training has been tough with the marginal snow lately.  It was good to get some more.  First tracks this morning.

From November 14, 2009

Mid-chute, watching the sun creep across the valley. 

From November 14, 2009

Brett is a jumper, so naturally, he teles.

From November 14, 2009

Billy D incorporating some BC/tele into his Vancouver 2010 training regimen.  I think this is like BC/tele hour 9 this week. 

From November 14, 2009

This was the last we saw of the sun.  After that, the storm rolled in. 

From November 14, 2009


  1. Jared,
    Lucky those turns look sick! sometimes I wish I was still in Utah.

  2. Where did you ski? It looks like you had a lot more snow than I did. I skied at Alta on Monday and the coverage was pretty bad except for up at the top of Catherine's (the only area I visited). I was glad not to break any bones on rocks or stumps.
